Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bleg: Toronto Resources Needed to Offer to Mother and Unborn Baby

I received this request ... anyone know where to go for resources to help this 23-year-old woman and her unborn baby?
She wants to let the baby live, but is under a lot of pressure to have an abortion and does not have a lot of resources on her own. She really needs help from someone or a group in her area (Toronto).

I've been searching online for the Toronto equivalent of the White Rose*, but haven't been able to find anything yet. I'm sure there is something like that. I was wondering if someone on here with better connections within Catholic Charities or the Toronto area might know of a good place I could refer her to.
If anyone wants to email me rather than answer in the comments box, my email is julie[at]glyphnet[dot]com. Thanks!

* White Rose Women's Center is a Catholic crisis pregnancy center providing pro-life education, counseling and aid.

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