Monday, February 18, 2008

"I teach Sunday school..."

I am positive that this Stephen Colbert clip has been making the rounds but haven't caught up with blog reading this morning. Possibly one of the greatest compliments I have received this year was the email I got this morning with the link that said, "I've been reading your blog for a year or more and I thought of you when I saw this the other night."

Warning, this contains an epithet, bleeped out.

This ties in nicely with the fact that I was at the retreat with Gino who is both more charitable and much more knowledgeable than I am about the faith. During a break time, when Brad (also very knowledgeable) asked the difference between plenary indulgences and plain indulgences, Gino reeled off the explanation without blinking. And without fanfare, which I probably could not have done.

The clip above also makes me think of last week's House, which we watched last night. It delved into matters of faith and whether a person can ever really change. As a person who has changed for the better (as House's patient had claimed to do), I was interested to see where the writers took this question. One of the main delights, as above, was in watching the patient's husband, a Hassidic Jew, point out logical fallacies and groundless assumptions in the statements of the doctors. Which for me, is connected with watching Colbert above.

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